Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tackling the clothing monster

Disorganization and inefficiency kill me (I know, I know). Of course, I'm also a lazy bum, so we're kind of disorganized and inefficient anyway. Thankfully, Dan is completely disorganized and inefficient and makes me look like a total neat freak (he is very proud of that fact, too). We actually don't have too much stuff. In fact, we don't even know what to do with most of the rooms in our house. But when we moved, most of our stuff just got shoved into random spaces and wasn't really organized. It's not the biggest job ever to organize, but it's really been weighing on me lately.

Today I tackled our clothing situation. Thanks to my uncle's generous donation of a new bedroom set and our purchase of a Lehigh dorm dresser, we have a lot of clothing space. For two people, we have the following.

1. A double vanity with six huge drawers
2. A wardrobe with three huge drawers and a larger space up top for clothes that need to be hung up
3. Two medium-sized closets
4. A chest with five medium-sized drawers

As of this afternoon, this is how we had divided the space up.

1. Grace has the entire vanity
2. Dan has the entire wardrobe
3. Grace has one closet
4. Dan absolutely refuses to use the other closet, and it was pretty much empty
5. Dan has the entire chest of drawers

This situation drove me bonkers. I have a lot of clothes, but I'm not exactly the snappiest dresser. I feel I have a lot of weird, old, tight, loose, or faded clothing that I don't really want to own. But in all honesty, it was Dan's clothes that were pushing me over the edge. First of all, how could one guy have that many T-shirts? He had six drawers just full of T-shirts, I'm not kidding! Secondly, why did he feel the need to infect not only our bedroom with his old XXXXXXXXL T-shirts (that one I am kidding about.... his old shirts are mostly XL) but also the chest of drawers in the guest bedroom? Finally, what was wrong with the second bedroom closet? Why was it somehow unusable?

And so it was that Pinterest saved our marriage.

 The pink capris also helped to save our marriage
Unfortunately, I did not design this particular war of placing folded clothes into a drawer. That secret will remain deep within the bowels of the internet. But today, on a whim, I decided that I would try to implement what Pinterest had so kindly suggested. What you're looking at above are all my shirts, all my shorts, all my capris, and all my summer-weight jeans. In one drawer. Oh yeah!

Flush with victory, I tackled all of the clothes we own in a desperate attempt to regain organizational control. When the lint settled, I was victorious. This is how our space is currently divided.

1. Grace has four drawers in the double vanity. One of those drawers is devoted solely to dressy scarves, so I can go down to three. The T-shirts Dan wears most often are in one drawer. One drawer is empty.
2. Dan still has the entire wardrobe.
3. Grace has one closet.
4. Dan still refuses to use the other closet.
5. The chest of drawers is empty.

I'm happy. We are using space more efficiently, there's room for expansion, and Dan doesn't have to use the guest room for clothing storage at all (he explained to me that it was easier to walk across the hall than to use the closet... somehow). Ah, organization.


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