Thursday, July 11, 2013

Making my space

I've been trying to pretty up my space a bit lately. We finally have a home, now I just need to find the motivation to spend some money to decorate and organize. Trust me, I love the organizing part, but it's tough for non-creative me to decorate well, and it's even harder for me to spend money on something that isn't absolutely necessary.

Today I breathed new life into my desk area. This is how it looked... before.

Sadly, this picture was badly photobombed by Dan
Both being kids who love our reading and writing, it was decided when we moved that both Dan and I would have a desk of our own. He has a traditional desk that you might be able to see at the far end of this photo. My "desk," in the foreground, was actually our old kitchen table (and it was Dan's parents' kitchen table before that!). My big thing about desks is that I like to go back and forth between my computer screen and whatever else I have on the side. The empty space underneath allows me to swivel back and forth with full freedom, so I love it.

So that's my desk up there... before. Before there was light. Before the moon and the stars shone down from the heavens. As you can see, it's kind of messy. I did have organizers but it still looks... messy.

But now it looks better, like this!

Dang it, he's in the picture again!
I went on over to TJMaxx today and bought the cute gray organizer thing you can see in the middle of my desk. It was thirteen bucks, but I gritted my teeth and did the deed. I moved most of my pens and scissors and stuff over to the organizer and left the sub-par pens in the wire organizer (I'm very particular about the quality of my pens). I have a place for my envelopes, stationary, and stamps. I used some plain bookends to take my many notebooks out of the wire organizer and stand them up on the desk - I think it looks much more neat this way. You'll notice the blue, pink, and yellow sticky notes on the front of the organizer. I attached those the good old-fashioned way, with tape!

Finally, you'll see a framed photo of a couple on their wedding day on the right side of the desk. The frame was actually given to us for our wedding, but up until a few hours ago it still held a very nice photo of Generic White Guy And Generic White Girl Smiling At Each Other. We displayed the photo for a while, just for laughs. However, it's now time to decorate the desk with a nice portrait of painful realism, so there ya go.


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