Friday, July 5, 2013

The serial blogger strikes again

Please bear with me as I attempt to follow through with yet another blog. I enjoy writing, I have at least some spare time, and I could always go for playing around with HTML for blog templates. Blogs I've attempted over the past few years have an annoying tendency to go kaput within about a month, and honestly, it shouldn't really happen that way. I'm going with the (probably dead-on) assumption that my blogs that I began because I wanted to write about a particular subject just couldn't go head-to-head with my raging ADHD, and maybe just a little because of post perfectionism. Just a little.

Thus, I've decided to start a blog in which I will be writing about whatever the heck I want to write about. Mundane daily diaries! Funny kid stories! Google searching for dummies! The history of the banana! Book reviews! Lifting stats! And everything and anything else that won't get me fired or locked in jail!

I'd love it if you could read some of my stuff on occasion. Not only will it provide me with the egotistical fodder I will probably need to keep on typing, but you may indeed learn a lot about the fascinating banana. It really is a very interesting fruit, no lie.


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