Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kitchen makeover

So, we now have a house. I'm finally joining the Cult of Domesticity. I (not we!) have a kitchen.

This means I get to decorate the kitchen! Oh boy!

Here are two current pictures of my kitchen.

This is the right side of the kitchen. I don't know if you can see the fish sauce on the lazy susan, but I assure you, it's there.

This is the left side of the kitchen. That's our Desean Jackson/Jason Avant collectible cup on the counter. We got it when we ordered some overpriced lukewarm pizza combo at the horrifying Eagles-Giants game in October, the one where Michael Vick was still the quarterback, the Giants only scored field goals, the Eagles had a single touchdown, Matt Barkley finished out the game, and the final score was a boring 12-7, Giants. Oh, and the next week, Nick Foles threw seven touchdowns against Oakland. Yes, I am bitter about shelling out to see the most unexciting NFL game of all time. Also, why is Jason Avant on the cup? Does anybody really care that much about Jason Avant? Why couldn't they just have two pictures of Desean Jackson in two epic poses? Anyway, back to the kitchen.

Here's the basic problem with Grace's kitchen makeover. We don't really have any wall space, aside from a bit that you can't see to the left of the coffeemaker on the island. Except for that small area, wall art is out. This might be a blessing in disguise, because pretty pictures are one of those things upon which  I have a very hard time bringing myself to spend money. We do have counter space, island counter space, space on top of the cabinets, and a window that doesn't actually have a windowsill.

I spent some time over the break Googling "small kitchen decor" while hangin' out in my pajamas at 2 PM lying on the couch. Apparently, according to Google and HGTV and Better Homes and Gardens, a "small kitchen" is an open-concept 3000 square foot monstrosity that's bigger than my house. I had a little more luck Googling "tiny kitchen decor", although that came back with quite a few pictures of galley kitchens and other such actually tiny kitchens. I did get some ideas, however.

One awesome suggestion I found was to use pretty things as functional items in the kitchen. Functional is music to my ears. I learned long ago that as sure as I am Mr. Spock's illegitimate daughter, I can't do pretty without functional, because I either destroy pretty or I throw out pretty for functional. Basically, it's my clothing issue in kitchen form - if it has to be dry-cleaned, I'll destroy it, so I won't buy it. But pretty functional is definitely a possibility!

That's why, in the first picture, you can see a cute blue vases in the corner that I'm using as a utensil holder. We had been using a fairly sterile OXO holder, which was certainly nice and functional, but lacked pretty. I like the blue holder, it's fun! I'm hoping to find other nice ceramic gewgaws to use in the kitchen, preferably in brown, yellow, blue, or cream, which is the color scheme for the main floor.

Google also suggested using flowers to liven up the kitchen. This could be more of a challenge. Flowers are pretty foofy, not very functional, and I kill them all. (I don't even bother watering my flowers half the time since I know I'll kill them at some point down the road, so what's the use?) But they are so, so pretty! And Wegmans has flower sales all the time! Like that poinsettia on the island - that was only four bucks at Wegs, and it is a HUGE plant. I actually felt that the addition of the poinsettia did a lot to make the kitchen seem cozy and welcoming. I mean, when I go into the kitchen, I don't want to leave the kitchen, and frankly, I should be running away from the kitchen screaming at the top of my lungs from the dirty dishes that await. Once I kill the plant, I think I'm going to buy another one on super sale.

I must now depart. I am feeling an overwhelming urge to be domestic and make some jook. Dan will be proud.


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