Thursday, December 26, 2013

A few of my favorite things!

Merry Christmas, family, friends, and random people who read this blog!

Dan and I had a nice holiday. Historically, this has not been the case for a number of reasons, including Grace, Grace, and Grace. Grace, as I have probably mentioned, does not do well without structure. Meds have definitely helped with that, but there is still quite a bit of OH MY GOSH I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WHAT SHOULD I DO WHAT SHOULD I DO WHAT SHOULD I DO OH I KNOW I'LL YELL AT EVERYTHING FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK going on. But with a bit of determination from Yours Truly, and with a bit of obsessive cleaning from Dan (my first angry angry trigger tends to be visible clutter), we had a nice Christmas. We made cookies, ate large Chinese dinners and breakfasts, went to a (very long) Mass, exchanged gifts, the whole nine yards.

So in the spirit of childlike Christmas enthusiasm, here are a few of my favorite gifts!

My mother, bless her, is sometimes a little confused at my self-proclaimed weirdness. She knows I like weird stuff, but doesn't always know what my definition of weird includes, which is why one year she gave me a pair of salt and pepper containers shaped like the hemispheres of the brain. Great idea, but seriously, even I might have some trouble salting my food with the left side of a very-realistic brain. She's gotten better over the years, though.

Mom: So, I looked all over for a present for you. Remember that book about defunct amusement parks I got you a few years ago? I was going to get you another book from the series, but they seem to be out of print.
Me: Really? I wonder why.
Mom: So instead, I got you this book!

Yes! A book about urban decay with detailed pictures of abandoned elementary schools! What more could I want?

And yes, I actually mean that.

One of my siblings got Dan and I car decals. It speaks volumes about the public persona we present to the world. Dan is happy, large, and baking. I'm freaking out.

Another sibling, God rest their soul, got me this awesome Oregon Trail shirt.

I, like every other child of the nineties, loved playing Oregon Trail. And I, like many other children of the nineties, went out of my way to kill off my entire wagon, especially if the participants of the journey were named after my siblings. Also, dysentery. Whenever people talk about whole raw natural unpasteurized foods, I always think about... dysentery. Sometimes cholera, too. Trust me, you don't want that all-natural spring water to get any more natural - you might get funny diseases like dysentery from someone who decided to take an all-natural dump in the all-natural water.

Dan got me the following article of clothing to encourage my recent interest in the Cult of Domesticity. 

Yes, it's an actual functioning fashionable apron! It's very pretty! It certainly does encourage me to go ruin some large cuts of meat, but Dan unknowingly broke one of the cardinal rules of Grace Apparel - the apron is hand-wash only, line dry. Any bets on the longevity of the apron?

And then, of course, there's the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012-2013!

And it's complete with the most up-to-date statistics on Persons 18 Years of Age and Over With Migraines and Pains in the Neck, Lower Back, Face, or Jaw by Selected Characteristics!

All joking aside, this book actually was on my Christmas list. I have an older version, but if you enjoy living life as an amateur social scientist, it's a bookshelf must. 

Until next Christmas! Or my birthday in July! Hint hint!


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