Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Snow Day!

Today I have a SNOW DAY!

When I was younger, snow days sucked because snow was cold, wet, and made your toes freeze. And I couldn't avoid the snow because my mom would throw us all out in the yard to be tortured by enjoy the snow. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow. Winter is probably my favorite season. I'm just Miss Overly Sensitive in many matters, especially temperature. I adjust the temperature in my house by one degree several times a day... the heat is usually on 69, but sometimes it's too hot so I put on a short-sleeved shirt and turn the thermostat down to 68, then I get too cold, put on three layers, and hike it up to 70.

But now I have a big girl job at a school, so I'm loving the (paid) snow day! When I was a sub I still got snow days, but I would also lose out on getting paid, so it wasn't quite as fun. We've had two-hour delays before, but this is my first paid day off in this position.

Here's what I'm going to try to do today.

  • Write a blog entry. Check.
  • Get off the couch and take a shower. This is a big one.
  • Clean. Everywhere. Dan's a dumper and does things like pile up trash on the counter... three feet from the kitchen garbage can. And I'm getting more overly-focused on cleanliness and organization by the day.
  • Shop online for some Christmas gifts. I've already got a few easy ones for Dan picked out. Gift-buying is so much easier when you have a man who actually appreciates things like thick wool socks. That and ammunition.
  • Re-watch the Eagles game, which was the most fun football game I think I've ever seen. If you've read my Purple Curse entry, you know that I like the Ravens. However, I also don't want to get stabbed outside of some random sports bar because I'm wearing a Ravens jersey in Eagles territory, so I'm trying to get into Philly teams. Thus far I have been having quite a bit of success. Currently following both teams; not sure if that's allowed, but hey, I'm having fun!
  • Make dinner, which is pot roast and vegetables this evening. For the first two years of our marriage Dan did most of the cooking while I hung out on the couch being a general emotional wreck. Since we bought our house we've been switching on and off every week, but now that Dan has a full-fledged librarian job and doesn't get home until about 5:30 at the earliest, the cooking is on me. I've been compiling my own recipe book for a while. I find a recipe that looks pretty brainless and pretty tasty from the internet (I try for recipes with ten ingredients or less, a max of twenty minutes of prep time, and preferably calling for lots of garlic and cilantro), print it out, stick it in my recipe binder, make the recipe, and then write in my notes. "This recipe lied. Chicken cooked for 40 minutes instead of 20 minutes. Too bland. Dan thinks red pepper flakes and chicken broth."
  • Try to finish my library book before Saturday. I'm reading Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes, a book about the author's experiences as a linguist with one of ethnic groups in the Amazon. Surprisingly, this book actually has a general readership base and was based on an article that appeared in the New York Times, I believe. But to be perfectly honest, this probably isn't happening. My attention span usually doesn't let me finish books, which is why ebooks are perfect for me, because I can pick them up and put them down at will.
  • Relax in my most favorite way ever with some Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. I don't think I've ever gone in depth about this game - for a reason. It truly exemplifies my supernerd and my status within society (it's probably more geeky than Starcraft, considering the latter is actually widely followed in huge tournaments in South Korea - by normal people). Basically, it's a strategy game for Windows. You pick a (usually obscure) historical world leader (like Wang Kon of Korea... who?) and build cities, improve your land, and backstab and dominate the domains of other historical world leaders (like Willem van Oranje of the Dutch... who?). I love this game in so many different ways. Yeah, I need a new hobby. At least, I tell myself, I could be watching Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, but instead I am choosing to learn the basics of diplomatic policy. And in case anyone suggests a different way of wasting time, I've already watched all the Law and Order SVU reruns, like, twice over.
OK, I'm not getting any younger. Time to hit Bullet Point Number Two.


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