Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A look back at 2013

In one of Grace's kinda boring self-discovery posts, let's take a look back at 2013. Because you're just dying to know.

1. In January, I started classes at Desales. Frustrated by the lack of job prospects in education in the area, I decided to get a BA Accounting as both a possible second career and a way to see the world through the eyes of the world, which is money. Also, it can lay the groundwork for graduate work in economics if I so choose.

2. In April, we bought our first house. We got a nice house for market price, a doable mortgage, and needing minimal upgrades. It's also located within twenty minutes of just about everything.

3. In April, I got my first permanent job in education. Yes, it did turn out to be kind of a doozy of a job. But it also provided a paycheck, benefits, summers off, and teaching the little guy how to communicate as an added bonus.

4. In June, we went on vacation to Poland. International travel. Food. Cathedrals. Zlotytech. More food. Berlin-Tegel. Enough said.

5. In July, I taught summer school. I loved my students, and judging from the numerous smiles and general lack of screaming and punching, they loved me too.

6. In August, we went to Canada. Unfortunately, I probably have less love for Canada than I had before I went to Canada, because in Canada, it takes way too long to cross the border, and there are no bathroom stops along the way. Niagara Falls was fantastic, however.

7. In September, I got awesome new meds. Possibly more about this in the future. But they're awesome meds and have made my life take a complete 180 for the better.

8. In October, Dan was offered a full-time librarian position. Birds sang. Angels smiled. I got to say I-told-you-so. I knew it was only a matter of time until someone realized that Dan could be an irreplaceable asset, but he didn't believe me until it actually happened.

9. In November, I left my job for a new position. This was a hard thing. It was very significant for me and left a deep impression on the wide-eyed innocence of my psyche. But I think that it was actually a good thing that I went through that experience, trying though it was, because it taught me several need-to-know life lessons.

10. In December, there was Christmas break. And Christmas break was pretty awesome, if you ask me. My over-active brain, for once in its life, was quiet. All I did was eat, sleep, lie on the couch, visit people, and watch football. It's always been impossible for me to just relax, so I am so thankful for the mental ability to procrastinate and do nothing over break.

What will 2014 hold for Grace?


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