Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grace Updates: April Version

Grace's busy season is thankfully coming to a close. Grace is also currently laid up at home post-oral surgery subsisting on ice cream and Vicodin (it's actually the Vicodin that's incapacitating me the most... it makes me too groggy to do much of anything besides eat ice cream, but if I don't take the Vicodin, I'm in pain). Grace concludes that this is an excellent time to catch up on blog writing, which has been too inconsistent for the past two or three months. Grace will now proceed to write a blog post. Beep. End transmission.

School. I am, as I think I've mentioned before or on Facebook, that I'm taking classes towards a BA in Accounting. I've told Dan multiple times that he's never allowed to leave his current job, because that would mean no more library database access and no more free 12 credits per year of continuing education classes. This semester I took Business Law and Principles of Marketing. I did well in both courses, and while neither class was especially difficult, it was a huge time drain. The courses I am taking are accelerated and offered in 8-week sessions. I learn quickly and do well in accelerated classes, but it just takes a lot of time to jam all the material into my head. But it's all OK now, because I just took my final exam! No more classes until August!

Job. My job continues to be a job. One of the few good things that came out of my previous classroom was the painful, but necessary, realization that my job is a job, not my life. I've always had issues with being a workaholic, and the bad experience helpfully smacked it out of me. The downside, of course, is that I'm not super into my job anymore and all the little slights and thanklessness and bureaucratic inconsistencies are really starting to weight me down. It's perfectly understandable that the educational system is not perfect and has its shortcoming, but general education students are (probably) better equipped to deal with the imperfections. But if you're a student with severe disabilities, an inefficient special education system can have lasting, often damaging, effects on your ability to function as best you can with as much happiness as you deserve. It's very frustrating watching the system let these kids down and not being able to do anything about it. I can do as much as I can every day, but I can't speed up the process to get our kids communication devices, or better services, or acceptance from their peers. And, of course, there are the practical aspects of the job, too. I have a heart for special education, but when the state of Pennsylvania graduates 12,000 more students with teaching certifications than there are available teaching positions per year, there's only so far sheer will alone can take you in the field. So I am looking for a job outside of education, sadly. I hope that one day it'll be a better career climate and I'll find a good job in the field.

Doctors. I have to go to weekly or biweekly doctor appointments. No, I won't tell you why, but just know that the office is about half an hour away. And all my appointments are either five or six. And I have to take the highway all the way there. This is a pain because gas and because time. The visits themselves aren't that bad, but I do have to be hooked up to machines quite a bit, which is interesting but terrifying. It just all takes time.

Other Stuff. On the urging of several individuals and the urging of my growing midsection, I joined a weekly running group. I'm actually enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I, of course, am not exactly Miss Athletic. I'm more like Miss Stubby Legs. But I actually manage to keep up and have been keeping up with my routine, with the exception of this week because of my wisdom teeth. I go to the track at the park and run along with my music blasting. I also go in the morning because my mouth hangs open while I run and it's not pretty. The less people who experience me being athletic, the better.

Other Other Stuff. I planted flowers this year! I could have done it last year, I guess, but moving was pretty stressful. I planted petunias and hostas out back and put daffodils in our pots out front. And two days after I planted my flowers, it snowed. Darn. I'm still waiting for the daffodils, but the petunias seem to be doing okay. Let's see how they are in a few weeks.


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