Monday, April 28, 2014

And Nobody Ever Forgot The Date

So how do you remember your wedding anniversary? The first date? The special times?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grace Updates: April Version

Grace's busy season is thankfully coming to a close. Grace is also currently laid up at home post-oral surgery subsisting on ice cream and Vicodin (it's actually the Vicodin that's incapacitating me the most... it makes me too groggy to do much of anything besides eat ice cream, but if I don't take the Vicodin, I'm in pain). Grace concludes that this is an excellent time to catch up on blog writing, which has been too inconsistent for the past two or three months. Grace will now proceed to write a blog post. Beep. End transmission.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Everything Is Awesome: Zoning Ordinances

I'm weird and I like weird things. Because I am a narcissist with a blog, you probably know this by now, but I'll repeat it, just because I'm that self-obsessed.

When you are the lone resident of Grace World, Everything Is Awesome. I'm sure I've mentioned the awesomeness of fruit history before, and the awesomeness of school architecture, but there are many awesome things to be experienced in Grace World. Like highway rest stops. When I was in high school, I told my mom that when I grew up and because a photojournalist, my first project would be to document the intricacies of life along the interstate, complete with close-up photos of disgusting bathroom tiling and roadkill squashed flat in the parking lot. Having experienced the pain of upstate New York "rest stops" with no AC or sewage facilities, rest stops are no longer quite that awesome, unfortunately. Traffic congestion is still pretty fascinating, though.